President Gordon B. Hinckley's Challenge and Promise

President Gordon B. Hinckley said in a

worldwide leadership training meeting:

“I am convinced there is no other organization anywhere to match the Relief Society of this Church.

If they will be UNITED and speak with ONE VOICE,


10 January 2004, 20

Relief Society - A Restoration of an Ancient Form


“A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern”

Although the name may be modern date,

the institution is of ANCIENT ORIGIN.

We were told by our martyred prophet

that the same organization EXISTED

in the church ANCIENTLY.”

Eliza R. Snow

(Published in: “Daughters in My Kingdom”)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The importance of Personal Revelation...

"There is not a position that we can occupy in life,
either as fathers, mothers, children, masters, servants, or as
Elders of Israel holding the Holy Priesthood in all its ramifications,
but what we need continually wisdom flowing from the Lord
and intelligence communicated by Him, that we may know how to perform
correctly the various duties and avocations of life, 
and to fulfill the various responsibilities that rest upon us.

And hence the necessity all the day long, and every day
and every week, month, and year, and under all circumstances, of men
leaning upon the Lord and being guided by that Spirit that flows
from him, that we may not fall into error---
that we may neither do anything wrong,
say anything wrong,
nor think anything wrong, 
and all the time retain that Spirit, which can only be kept by observing
purity, holiness, and virtue, and living continually in obedience 
to the laws and commandments of God."
President John Taylor
Journal of Discourses, 6, (November 1864): 106

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