President Gordon B. Hinckley's Challenge and Promise

President Gordon B. Hinckley said in a

worldwide leadership training meeting:

“I am convinced there is no other organization anywhere to match the Relief Society of this Church.

If they will be UNITED and speak with ONE VOICE,


10 January 2004, 20

Relief Society - A Restoration of an Ancient Form


“A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern”

Although the name may be modern date,

the institution is of ANCIENT ORIGIN.

We were told by our martyred prophet

that the same organization EXISTED

in the church ANCIENTLY.”

Eliza R. Snow

(Published in: “Daughters in My Kingdom”)

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Beginnings...

We are closing out another year...but, I have always looked forward to NEW BEGINNINGS...New Year's Day has always been a day I so LOOK forward to...It is when I restate old goals and begin afresh with new ones...

As I have pondered over our "life's purpose" and how to "overcome the world" to one day become a part of that "Eternal City" after we "return and report" our experiences of mortality...I have wondered how I was ever truly going to accomplish this mission, while I am still here on earth...

Christ said: "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." (3 Nephi 12:48)

To KNOW that LIFE has "purpose" then, we have to decide that "overcoming the world" is a serious goal in life.

But "HOW" has always been the question and challenge placed before us. I am so GRATEFUL for LIVING prophets and apostles. We have "covenanted" to give "strict HEED" to their words. I have gathered ideas on "how to overcome this world" through their counsel, plus the wisdom contained in our scriptures... (this is far from complete...but, hopefully it will get you to thinking about your own life and where you this time...).

I must add that we have been given the GIFT of the HOLY opportunity for His CONSTANT companionship...I do believe, we will have it...IF we truly live Father's commandments - LOVE and SERVE HIM - which includes LOVING and SERVING our Brothers and Sisters in this life:

Over the next few days...I would like to post quotes in some orderly fashion...These are simply thoughts as we enter a NEW YEAR...and ponder over the personal gift you have hopefully given to our Savior, Jesus Christ, over the Christmas season...Plus, in the process of renewing our covenants each Sabbath day...we are clean as we partake of the bread and water...REMEMBERING always...why we are here...


"I always tried to make my hearers feel that I and my associates were PEACEMAKERS,
and lovers of peace and good will, that OUR MISSION was to SAVE,
and not destroy,
and not tear down."

("Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith (1998), xvii)

"At the heart of the message of the Savior of the world is a single,
glorious, wonderful, still largely untried concept. In its simplest terms
the message is that we should seek to overcome the SELFISHNESS we all seem to be born with,
that we should OVERCOME human nature and think of others before self.
We should think of God and serve Him, and think of others and
SERVE them."

(James E. Faust, Ensign, December 1999)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Angels May Quote From It

I don't know how many of you keep a journal or some kind of Family History Book. Several years, ago, President Spencer W. Kimball admonished us to do so...I'd like to type up a portion of his thoughts:

"For those of you who may not have already started your books of remembrance and your records, we would suggest that THIS VERY DAY you begin to write your records quite fully and completely. We hope that you will do this, our brothers and sisters, for this is WHAT THE LORD HAS COMMANDED."

"Those who keep a book of remembrance are MORE LIKELY TO KEEP THE LORD IN REMEMBRANCE in their DAILY LIVES. Journals are a way of COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our POSTERITY."

"Your journal is your AUTOBIOGRAPHY, so it should be kept carefully. YOU are UNIQUE, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more NOBLE and PRAISEWORTHY in their way than those recorded in any OTHER LIFE."

"YOUR STORY should be written now while if is FRESH and while the TRUE DETAILS are AVAILABLE."

"Get a notebook...a journal that will last THROUGH ALL TIME, and the ANGELS MAY QUOTE FROM IT for eternity. REMEMBER, the SAVIOR CHASTISED those who failed to RECORD IMPORTANT EVENTS."

"The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, pages 349-351)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Look to the Light

Christmas Gifts

"Christmas gifts should be in memory of the divine gift, the life of Jesus Christ. His gift gave us eternal life; our gifts should enliven with joy those who receive. His gift was the sacrifice of his earthly life; our gifts should represent personal sacrifices on our part."

John A. Widtsoe, Ensign, December 1972, page 4

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Sacrament

Today, Wendy Abegglen gave a GREAT presentation on the SACRAMENT...Many of you MISSED her lesson, but she referred to a BYU EDUCATION WEEK talk by Matthew O. Richardson given in August 2008....I would like to present this talk to you...Get your pen and paper ready to take notes...GREAT INFORMATION...After listening to Brother Richardson's talk...I do believe...we will look at our WEEKLY partaking of the a different light...Blessings to ALL...

Monday, December 13, 2010


I hope you don't mind...but, I have another Josh Groban song....
"Believe"...It is that time of year...where MUSIC seems to SPEAK more to my soul...than most other is the THOUGHTS behind each song...that...draws much closer to the spirit...or gets me to ponder the meaning...and purpose of my life...or to think over my life...Hope this selection...will enrich your moment...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas MUSIC

Tonight...I wanted to simply listen to one of my favorite...versions of "Oh Holy Night" Josh Groban...

Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


One of my greatest heroes in life...was Mother Teresa. She profoundly impressed on my mind...the VALUE of ONE SOUL...

I read these quotes years ago...from a little book called "Ancient Apostles" by David O. McKay "No man has come to true greatness who has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to his race, and that what God gives him He gives him for mankind."

"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both."

Secret to GREATNESS...
Referring to those who did great things in their lives, David O. McKay said of them..."Each one has given something of his life to make the world better. They did not spend all their time seeking only pleasure and ease, and a 'good time' for themselves alone, but found their greatest joy in making others happy and more comfortable. All such good deeds live forever, even though the world may never hear of them."

I saw this little video...and thought not only of Mother Teresa...but remembered these quotes...This man's example...of "giving" of his life was inspiring...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Service and Charity: The Pure Love of Christ

Today, Tawna Chery gave an EXCELLENT lesson on "Charity" and "Service"...I wanted to type up her notes...for those who did NOT get to hear it...or wanted some of the GREAT quotes that were presented:

Elder Cuthbert of the Seventy said "Over the years, many people have asked me 'How can I become more spiritual?' His reply has always been the same: 'You have to give more service.'"


Service changes people. It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us. It gets us looking outward instead of inward. It prompts us to consider others' needs ahead of our own. Righteous service is the expression of true charity, such as the Savior showed.

During his ministry on earth Jesus Christ spent his time serving and helping others. True disciples of Christ do likewise. The Savior said "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13.35.

Matthew 22: 37-39 - "Love the Lord thy God and thy Neighbor as thyself."
John 13:34 - "Love one another as I have loved you."

We come to know and love people by serving them---we understand their circumstances, their challenges, their hopes and aspirations a little more.

President Kimball: "Service to others deepens and sweetens this life while we are preparing to live in a better world. it is by serving that we learn to serve. When we are engaged in the service of our fellowmen, not only do our deeds assist them, but we put our own problems in a fresher perspective. When we concern ourselves more with others, there is less time to be concerned with ourselves! In the midst of the miracle of serving, there is the promise of Jesus that by losing ourselves, we find ourselves.

"The more that we serve the more substance there is to our souls." President Kimball

President Kimball: "In the account of the barren fig tree (Matthew 21:19) the unproductive tree was cursed for its barrenness. What a loss to the individual and to humanity if the vine does not grow, the tree does not bear fruit, the soul does not expand through service! One must live, not only exist; he must do, not merely be; he must grow, not just vegetate. We must use our talents in behalf of our fellowmen, rather than burying them in the tomb of a self-centered life...we must expend our energies and use our skills for purposes larger than our own self-interest if we desire true happiness."

"One who serves and sacrifices goes to bed at night with peace of mind." (Russell C. Taylor - Of the Seventy)


What is our greatest potential? Is it not to be Christlike ourselves? What qualities must we develop to achieve such greatness?

In talking about those qualities...
President Kimball stated "We might consider intelligence, light, knowledge, and leadership. But perhaps the most essential godlike quality is that of compassion and love---compassion shown forth in service to others, unselfishness, that ultimate expression of concern for others we call love. Wherever our Father's children magnify their opportunities for loving service, they are learning to become more like Him."

Luke 10:25-37 - "The Good Samaritan"
John 8: 2-11 - "The Adulteress"

What do these two stories have in common? We should love and serve and not JUDGE!

Mother Teresa: "If you judge people, you have NO TIME TO LOVE THEM."

President Monson asked us the question "Can we love one another as the Savior has commanded, if we judge each other?"

"I consider charity---or "the pure love of Christ"---to be the opposite of criticism and manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions. The kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient."

"Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. May we recognize that each one is doing her best to deal with the challenges which come her way, and may we strive to do our best to help out." (President Monson)

Matthew 20:28 - "Son of man came to minister"

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, feet that were hot, sweaty, and soiled with dust and dirt. He washed not their hands or face; he washed their feet. I think that he was teaching a lesson in this act. He who was the greatest was not above any act of service.

Matthew 25:40 - "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me".

Are we above serving and caring for others? Do we make the time to be there for others?

Mosiah 2:17 - "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in t he service of your God."

Why is it so important to teach our children at a young age to serve others?

Elder Cuthbert of the Seventy: "This is the way we shall save the RISING GENERATION from BECOMING a TOTALLY SELFISH, INDULGENT generation. We shall not save them by always providing them with fun activities which are INWARD LOOKING."

It is a wise parent that provides service opportunities for their children.

What are some ways you have done this? Some things you have done?


We need to fill ourselves up with gratitude for His redeeming love, His infinite atoning sacrifice, His obedience to the will of the Father. As we become full of gratitude, it overflows into service. (Matthew 25:40 concept)


Mosiah 5:13 - "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

Elder Bruce R. McConkie has taught us that service is essential to salvation. "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we MUST DO. Progress is not created by contented people. It is up to us, you and me, to be uncomfortable in complacency, to refrain from being spectators, and be players in the game of life."

The wonderful thing about service is there is no end to it. We can always find someone who can be lifted bya complement, who can be blessed bya a kind deed, who can be strengthened by loving charitable serice. As we do this there will be more substance to our souls and with that our spirituality will increase.

President Kimball stated "There is great security in spirituality, and we cannot have spirituality without SERVICE!"

Tawna then showed this clip...May we, as Sisters, truly rise our Visiting Teaching...serve each the Savior...whom we have chosen to follow...Let us truly "BE HIS HANDS"....