President Gordon B. Hinckley's Challenge and Promise

President Gordon B. Hinckley said in a

worldwide leadership training meeting:

“I am convinced there is no other organization anywhere to match the Relief Society of this Church.

If they will be UNITED and speak with ONE VOICE,


10 January 2004, 20

Relief Society - A Restoration of an Ancient Form


“A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern”

Although the name may be modern date,

the institution is of ANCIENT ORIGIN.

We were told by our martyred prophet

that the same organization EXISTED

in the church ANCIENTLY.”

Eliza R. Snow

(Published in: “Daughters in My Kingdom”)

Friday, January 28, 2011

To Be Meek

"A meek man is defined as one who is not easily provoked or irritated and forbearing under injury or annoyance. Meekness is not synonymous with weakness. The meek man is the strong, the mighty, the man of complete SELF-MASTERY. He is the one who has the courage of his moral convictions, despite the pressure o fthe gang or the club. In controversy his judgment is the court of last-resort and his sobered counsel quells the rashness of the mob. He is HUMBLE-minded; he does not bluster. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty." (Proverbs 16:32) He is a natural leader and is the chosen of army and navy, business and church to lead where other men follow. He is the "salt" of the earth an shall INHERIT IT."(Harold B. Lee - "Decisions for Successful Living, 55-62)

Elder Neal A. Maxwell...wrote up a GREAT ARTICLE on MEEKNESS...

"Meekness - A Dimension of True Discipleship"
  • Greek meaning of "meek" - Gentle and humble
  • "...meekness is not an attribute which is essential only in itself, said Moroni. it is also vital because one cannot develop those other crucial virtues---faith, hope, and charity---without meekness."
  • "...if one needs any further persuasion as to how vital this virtue is, Moroni warned, "none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart." (Moroni 7:43-44.)
  • "If we could but believe, really believe, in the reality of that bold but accurate declaration, you and I would find ourselves focusing on the crucial rather than the marginal tasks in life!"
  • "...meekness has been, is, and will remain a nonnegotiable dimension of true discipleship..."
  • " are a generation drenched in destiny."
  • "...clear reality of God's deep commitment to our free agency---we begin to see how essential meekness is! We need to learn so much, and yet we are free to choose! How CRUCIAL IT IS TO BE TEACHABLE!"
  • "Agency is essential to PERFECTIBILITY, and MEEKNESS is essential to the wise use of AGENCY---and to our recovery when we have misused our agency."
  • Impossible to reach the objective of BECOMING ... like the Savior WITHOUT MEEKNESS.
  • " more than self-restraint; it is the presentation of self in a posture of kindness and gentleness, reflecting certitude, strength, serenity, and a healthy self-esteem and self-control."
  • "Meekness is one of those attributes acquired only by experience, some of it painful, for it is developed "according to the flesh." (Alma 7:11-12) It is not an attribute achieved overnight, nor is it certified to in only one exam---but, rather, "in process of time."
  • "The meek are filled with awe and wonder with regard to God and His purposes in the universe.
  • "The meek are not awestruck by the many frustrations of life..."
  • "The meek make fewer demands of life..."
  • "The meek are less concerned with entitlements than with their assignments."
  • "The meek are not concerned about with being pushed around, but are GRATEFUL to be pushed along..."
  • " us cope with the injustices of life..."
  • "The meek less easily offended..."
  • "Meekness cultivates in us a GENEROSITY in viewing the mistakes and imperfections of others..."
  • "...the meek go on fewer 'ego' trips..."
  • "Meekness means less concern over being taken for granted..."
  • "Among the meek there is usually more LISTENING and LESS TALKING..."
  • "The meek use power and authority properly, no doubt because their gentleness and meekness reflect a love unfeigned, a genuine caring."
  • "Meekness rests on trust and courage."
  • "Meekness permits us to be confident..."
  • "...the Lord reveals His secrets to the MEEK..."
Brigham Young...stated "that man's divine destiny requires individual experience and practice in learning "to act as an independent being"---to see what we will do, whether we will be "for God or not"---and in developing our own capacity and in using our own resources. Such experiences will teach us to be "righteous in the dark---to be a friend of God." (Brigham Young Office Journal, 28 January 1857)

  • "...even if our being meek results in our being abused in this world, we need to remember that we are being fitted for chores in another and better world---one which will be everlasting, not fleeting."
  • "...there are real costs associated with meekness...our hearts will be broken in order that they might be rebuilt...."
  • "...better to save one's soul than to save one's face..."

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