President Gordon B. Hinckley's Challenge and Promise

President Gordon B. Hinckley said in a

worldwide leadership training meeting:

“I am convinced there is no other organization anywhere to match the Relief Society of this Church.

If they will be UNITED and speak with ONE VOICE,


10 January 2004, 20

Relief Society - A Restoration of an Ancient Form


“A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern”

Although the name may be modern date,

the institution is of ANCIENT ORIGIN.

We were told by our martyred prophet

that the same organization EXISTED

in the church ANCIENTLY.”

Eliza R. Snow

(Published in: “Daughters in My Kingdom”)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grain Class

Last night, Tanya Etchison, taught a "Grain" class...It was VERY GOOD... She talked about all the different grains that are available for our use...their nutritional value...and had us taste some of the recipes she has experimented with...since she started getting into the use of grains...

She, also, took classes from "Chef Brad" at Education Week in Provo, Utah. It was a class on the "Word of Wisdom"... She learned so much.  

"Chef Brad" is on KBYU, Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. He teaches how to use grains and evidently is teaching a class on BEANS...right now.

She showed a new FOOD PYRAMID that Chef Brad came up with:
 Eat the following:

Sweets and Lean red meat - 1 time per week

Free range poultry/deep sea fish or cold fish - 2 times per week

Olive oil or fats from fish poultry, organic eggs, GRAINS, nuts
supplements, WATER - DAILY

Body should have 50 grams of fiber a day for great health.  Fiber is like a broom, sweeping the system.  GRAINS CLEAN OUT and lowers cholesterol!

SUPER GRAINS - High in Protein:

Buckwheat - Whole, Roasted Kasha, and Hulled
Chia Seed
Flax and Hemp nut
Quinoa - Red, Black and White

We got to sample all these different foods...
made from grains
Rice Crispy Treats
Soup that Tanya made up

We were given some great information on each grain and its
value.../plus recipes...
If you are interested, let me know...

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