President Gordon B. Hinckley's Challenge and Promise

President Gordon B. Hinckley said in a

worldwide leadership training meeting:

“I am convinced there is no other organization anywhere to match the Relief Society of this Church.

If they will be UNITED and speak with ONE VOICE,


10 January 2004, 20

Relief Society - A Restoration of an Ancient Form


“A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern”

Although the name may be modern date,

the institution is of ANCIENT ORIGIN.

We were told by our martyred prophet

that the same organization EXISTED

in the church ANCIENTLY.”

Eliza R. Snow

(Published in: “Daughters in My Kingdom”)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Words of Wisdom...Prayer and Our Focus

QUOTE BY: Joseph Smith, The Prophet

The great plan of salvation is a theme which ought to occupy our strict attention, and be regarded as one of heaven's best gifts to mankind. No consideration whatever ought to deter us from showing ourselves approved in the sight of God, according to His divine requirement. (HC 2:5-6, 23

Quote by Spencer W. Kimball

"Perhaps there are those who demand rather than request. There may be those who pray for certain blessings without any questions in their minds as to the value of those things to them. Perhaps they are disappointed and even shaken in their faith if their prayer is not granted. Remember that our prayers are often as inconsistent and inappropriate to our Father in Heaven as are the demands of our little children upon us.

"What earthly parent would would give a little one a bottle of poison with which to play, even though the child might ask and demand and cry for it? . . . And yet we sometimes ask for just such impossible things, just such dangerous things, and the Lord in his mercy withholds them. Let us pray with the attitude always of the crucified One, 'nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.' (Luke 22:42)" (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 123).

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